Pepper spray is a great non lethal self-defense spray. In this article, I will show you a variety of sprays and gels you can use to defend yourself and your property. But first, we’ll review some safety information and factors to consider when using pepper spray products. It is very important that you understand how to use pepper spray. Although pepper spray is simple to use, you need to...
As a writer, I have always loved a good pen. As a preparedness and survival writer, I like that there are tactical pens. I was skeptical about what such pens could do when I first learned about them. To me, it seemed like another way to get us to buy anything with the word “tactical” in the label. I changed my mind. What sealed it for me was using...
Having a concealed carry weapon means you have protection wherever you go. When the SHTF, having the very best concealed carry weapons will be incredibly important. However, that doesn’t mean concealed carry isn’t a necessity or a desire today. The National Firearms Survey, administered in 2015, found that 9 million people carried a loaded handgun at least once a month, and 3 million of them carried a loaded handgun...
The Taurus Judge is a formidablerevolver for personal protection. Taurus designed this gun so their customers can carry it in their car to prevent a carjacking and have it at home for home protection.Many people choose the Judge as their personal protection handgun because it’s easy to use. Revolvers are extremely reliable and safe, and they don’t require special clips.The Judge gives you the choice of five .410 shotgun shells...

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